Drafting A Family Constitution
Created to keep busy pastors up-to-date on the latest issues affecting the family, Thriving Pastor Connection contains current event summaries for use in church bulletins, sermons, newsletters and discussions.
  January 26, 2015  
  Drafting A Family Constitution  
  Visit ThrivingPastor.org today!  
  By Ted Cunningham

At our church we ask prospective members to sign a membership covenant. It includes a statement of faith, doctrinal adherence, support of leadership, commitment to giving, and participation in ministry. The covenant is just one way of saying, "I want to be a part of the Woodland Hills Family."

We encourage families in our church to draft their own family constitution. Our family wrote one a few years ago. It states what we believe and how we intend to live. It connects our beliefs with our behaviors. Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, challenged me years ago to make sure that my orthodoxy (belief) lines up with my orthopraxy (conduct). We must be careful not to prioritize orthodoxy without aligning it with orthopraxy. Matching faith with practice helps our family know what we believe and what we will do because of our beliefs.

This is our family constitution. Feel free to use it in whole or in part to form your own constitution. Allow your entire family to be a part of the process ... read more.
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  Pulse Check.  
  Pulse Check. Myths and Misconceptions
Do serious, faithful, orthodox Christians take the Bible "literally" or not? That's a question being raised in many circles today. For some solid answers, take a look at what Glenn T. Stanton, Focus on the Family's Director of Family Formation Studies, has to say on the subject. You'll find a link to his monthly "Fact Checker" blog included in the attached material. While you're at it, see what the statistics really indicate about the highly celebrated "exodus" of Millennials from the church. All this and more in the current edition of Pulse Check!

Jim Daly's signature
Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
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