Downloadable Resource: Teach Your Kids about Marriage
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Who Will Teach Your Kids about Marriage?

Focus on the Family Citizen Magazine.
Cultural pressures can be difficult to navigate, much less withstand. That's why we're offering this free, 2-part Teach Your Children about Marriage kit—we want your family and your faith to thrive.

Sunday night's nationally televised Grammys music award program featured a mass wedding—including same-sex couples. Its intended message: Marriage can be whatever adults want it to be. Pop culture and media seem determined to redefine biblical marriage, leaving many parents uncertain about how to counter these powerful influences.

In his book The Next Christians, Gabe Lyons writes, "It's our job to be faithful to respond to the brokenness of culture with an eye for the Creator's original intent." When we look around, it's very easy to see brokenness in the world, especially as it relates to marriage:

Divorce: Many of us know the devastating effects when a marriage is broken—whether it's our own, our parents, other family members or our friends.

Fatherless Homes: As President Obama reflected on Father's Day in 2009, "In many ways, I came to understand the importance of fatherhood through its absence—both in my life and in the lives of others."

Marriage Redefinition: The majority of states still define marriage as one man and one woman. But some states have redefined marriage, while others have their existing marriage protections challenged in the courts.

Cohabitation: Many singles choose to move in together, instead of marrying. But research shows "living together" actually threatens marital success, and women and children are at greater risk in these situations.

So, how can Christians respond faithfully and demonstrate God's design for marriage? We start first by understanding God's original intent. Then, we work to strengthen our marriages and teach our children what marriage is and why it matters.

To equip you in this important effort, we've created a terrific new resource: Teach Your Children about Marriage. Part One of this complimentary two-part guide provides biblical guidance and tangible suggestions to help you understand marriage from God's perspective. This unique approach will also help you model and live out God's design for marriage before your children, extended family, church and culture.

Part Two offers creative ideas for talking about marriage to children at different ages and stages of their development.

God's design for sex, marriage and family is the answer this broken world is looking for. It's our hope that this free resource will help you promote the value of marriage in your own family—and beyond.

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Discuss God's design for life and marriage as often as you pay your bills and discover 12 new opportunities to invest in the culture this year.

Reforming the culture begins in prayer and in the home. And we're here to help your values thrive. We offer practical suggestions to instill in your family biblical values on life, marriage and religious freedom, as well as ways to impact the culture for Jesus Christ. Learn more now.

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