Grow in Your Faith in The New Year!

That the World May Know

Download the Weekly Devotional App with Ray Vander Laan

Join renowned teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan each week in the new year as he guides you through the lands of the Bible! In each 2-3 minute video devotional, Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Filmed on location in Greece where actual Biblical events took place, the That the World May Know® video devotionals will transform your understanding of God and reveal keen insights into the Scriptures.

These devotionals feature brand-NEW content from Ray Vander Laan in never-before-seen video footage that has not been featured in the That the World May Know film series volumes.

This app makes for a great devotional study in the new year. Be encouraged and uplifted as you grow in your faith!

To download the app and to watch two video samples, visit:

That the World May Know
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