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Why Should Gorsuch Be The Next Supreme Court Justice?

By all accounts, the man selected to fill Justice Scalia's seat should be cut from the same judicial "cloth."

In our sound-bite, headline-driven society, it's often difficult to know whom you can turn to for fair, accurate information. One recent example is the four-day long Senate confirmation hearing for U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch. It's likely that you didn't have time to listen to hours, and days, of the hearings. But Focus on the Family's judicial expert, Bruce Hausknecht, did. And he offers this summation of why your senators should confirm Judge Gorsuch:

Judge Gorsuch came to his confirmation hearings with a stellar academic, work and judicial record. Witness after witness attested to his integrity and fidelity to our Founding documents. Simply put, his performance during his grueling days before the Senate Judiciary Committee proved that it's no accident that he was nominated by the President for the highest court in the land.

Gorsuch answered every question put to him just as you would expect of a true constitutionalist:

  • He repeatedly emphasized his respect for our country's foundation upon the rule of law;
  • He stressed allegiance to the text and original understanding of our nation's U.S. Constitution and laws;
  • He promised to approach each case without pre-judging, and to treat each person who comes before him with respect and an open mind;
  • He rejected the notion that a judge has the "right" to create new law from the bench in line with his own policy preferences; and
  • He refused to give "promises, hints or previews" as to how he would rule in any given case—just like the last half-dozen or so justices before him.

"In short, Judge Gorsuch proved himself worthy of the seat to which he has been nominated. As Christians, and as citizens, we can ask no more of a judicial nominee."


Before the confirmation hearing was over, some senators vowed to block his nomination by "every means possible."

That's one more reason your voice is needed in support of this nomination.

It's important to contact your senators today to let them know you support Judge Gorsuch and you want them to support him, too.

Here's how: Simply click on the "Take Action" button, which will take you to our easy-to-use Action Center. There, you can tailor your email message to your states' two U.S. senators OR you can use our pre-filled template.

In a matter of a few minutes, you can communicate with your senators—and your family and friends via social media—regarding one of the most pivotal appointments in your lifetime.

Thank you, in advance, for taking action and for helping Focus on the Family drive national momentum on this important vote!

Questions? Please contact us at ThrivingValues@Family.org.

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