Spiritual development
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  An active understanding of God

Helping children develop spiritually can sometimes seem like an overwhelming challenge. Though kids may differ in temperament, keep in mind that they are similar in their needs, what they understand, how they develop and the general approach that works best. Remember that growth is a continuum; in other words, it takes time and proceeds in small steps.

It's important to intentionally model what a relationship with the Lord is like. Take advantage of every opportunity to demonstrate your love, and His, while your child observes and takes it in. Whenever possible, share something that the Lord has taught you from the Bible. Talk about times when you've felt especially close to God. But if you sometimes feel far from Him, admit it; if it's sometimes hard to relate to Someone who's invisible and doesn't speak to you audibly, admit that too. Allow them to hear you pray honestly and conversationally, and encourage them to pray the same way, even about things that may seem trivial. Tell them what you would miss most if you couldn't have a personal connection with the Lord.

Encouraging your kids to enter into your authentic relationship with the Lord will stimulate many questions from them that you can answer in a nurturing, loving environment—and most importantly, will help them develop their own active understanding of God.
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