Living a life that reflects God's heart
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With a new year upon us, it's time to ReFOCUS!

How do you live a life that reflects God's heart in a culture that condemns and criticizes? You love people the same way that Jesus loves you. Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, shares the revelation that "love never fails" in his new book ReFOCUS: Living a Life that Reflects God's Heart.

And you have the opportunity to chat with him live about the power of God's love outlined in ReFOCUS via a live video chat on Jan. 14, 2013 at 10:30 AM (MST).

To participate in the live chat visit


God says that love never fails. In ReFOCUS, Jim Daly teaches us how to demonstrate God's love to others while maintaining God's values. Read real life testimonies of how demonstrating God's love transforms the culture, one life at a time.
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